Your Re-Watch Worthy Suggestions?

I recently (re)watched Groundhog Day. As you are, I was familiar with the premise of the movie, and I’m pretty sure I’ve seen it before, but it felt like a new movie to me. Yes, I knew what the plot was, but you must have known at the beginning of the first time you watched an Indiana Jones movie that he was going to save the day and get the girl, even before watching it 😀 I enjoyed Groundhog Day as if it was my first time watching it. And maybe it was. And maybe I’ve seen it before (I definitely didn’t remember any of the quotable quotes from it!). Whether I have seen it before or if it was my first time, I believe it is RE-watch worthy.

That made me wonder, what are other movies or tv shows that you believe are re-watch worthy? We’ve definitely seen a lot of great movies and tv shows, like movies that help cheer you up (1 and 2, too), fantastic movies where they’re coming for/to us, and tv shows that are funny, that’ll have you cackling, and wondering about the mysteries of Expanse (Part 1More LessonsEven More LessonsThe Return of the Lessons).

And so my question to you is what movies or tv shows do you think are worthy of a re-watch?

101 thoughts on “Your Re-Watch Worthy Suggestions?

    1. Do you mean the David Suchet ones? What a fantastic series, spectacular acting by Suchet, marvelous execution, absolutely watch-worthy! Thank you for the reminder, yes, it’d be amazing to be able to watch it for the first time all over again! I wonder if just like with Groundhog Day, in another ten-ish years it’ll be all new for me again.

      Poirot topped my list of best detective shows, tell me if you find any other favorites?

      10 of the best Detective shows

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  1. I think one of the most rewatch worthy series right now is Ted Lasso. When I first heard about this series, I had no interest, but after one episode, I was hooked. By the end of it, I had so many questions. Watching it again allowed me to see the nuances that made this show great. Also, Doc Martin, although that one is definitely not as deep. Cheers. Allan

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    1. Love, LOVE, LOVE Ted Lasso. And we’re not soccer fans, but we BELIEVE 😁 Do you think they’ll have a season 4… somehow? Such a splendid show, definitely re-watch-worthy! I’ll rewatch it and see if I can spot nuances as well! Would you be willing to share such a nuance that you’ve discovered on a rewatch?

      And Doc Martin is definitely a gem (especially the first few seasons), I think it’s been long enough since our first time watching it that it may be almost like watching it for the first time again?

      Thank you for two spectacular recommendations!


      1. I am pretty sure a Season 4, at least with Jason Sudeikis is not on the table. Not sure if the other stars have the cachet to carry it, but I would watch it. As to nuances, reasons for Ted’s panic attacks and marriage breakup, why Nick was so unsure of himself, why Jamie was such a selfish player in a team sport and so. As to Doc Martin, there was another cast of broken characters just trying to find their way. We are up to Season 8 now, and will watch it all to the end. Cheers

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        1. Bummer! It’s such a touching, funny show with real characters, not the polished, one-dimensional ones that seem to be featured on so many shows… I was hoping for, well, more…

          Clearly a very rewarding show for a rewatch, thank you for the recommendation!

          I’d love to hear what you think of the last few seasons of Doc Martin vs the first ones! And, yes, it had another rich and complex, yet funny and moving set of characters (other than the pharmacist 😁)

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          1. I really grew to dislike Bert Large and there were a lot of eye rolls about Penhale’s actions. Given the long duration between series, it was sometimes tough to follow sop that is why we are rewatching now. So glad they closed a few loops at the end.


    1. The Judy Garland one? You know, I’m not sure I’ve ever seen it (maybe it’s another Groundhog Day-like experience?), so I’ll watch… and rewatch 🙃 And thank you for all 9 recommendations, I’ll get started on them!

      Btw, did you like Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy? Do you consider that rewatchable?

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      1. Yes, the 1939 Judy Garland one. 🙂

        I liked the three “The Lord of the Rings” movies a lot, but not enough to re-watch them. I’ve reread “TLOTR” trilogy a few times, though!

        Excellent, thought-provoking post, by the way. 🙂

        Liked by 2 people

        1. Just yesterday, we were talking to friends about the last great movie we’ve seen. And maybe because none of us have returned to the movie theaters, but the movie(s) that came up was LoTR. What’s the last good movie you have seen?

          And thank you very much, both for the compliment (which I hold at the highest regard), and the recommendations!

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          1. You’re very welcome!

            I hardly watch movies anymore (whatever spare time I have is spent reading), but the last very good film I saw in a theater might have been “Harriet” (about Harriet Tubman) way back in 2019. 😮

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          2. I once read that when the VCR came out, movie theater owners were crying out that their business was being destroyed by them, and pointed to the lower ticket purchases. But it turned out that as soon as a batch of new and exciting movies came out (like Star Wars, Indiana Jones, etc.), movie goers flocked back to the theaters and the rest was history. What happened is that there are so many “sequels”, “remakes”, and “prequels” that the audience had patience for. Maybe history will, again, repeat itself?

            Thank you for the recommendation, we have yet to see that one!

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          3. Yes, it’s hard to replicate the movie-theater experience at home, but the film has to be right to go out and spend a lot of money. I’m kind of tired of prequels, sequels, and remakes myself.

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          4. We saw two interesting clips:

            One was of a newly constructed VIP movie theater experience in one of the Scandinavian countries, where after you pick up your snackables, you go to your seat which turns out to be a full sized bed! 🤓

            The other clip was of an interview with Eddie Murphy after one of his movies came out, where he was saying that it takes a lot to make a movie that’s worthy of someone paying $x (I forget exactly how much). The interviewer said that now the movies cost $12, and Eddie Murphy said “I’d never pay that”! 🤣

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  2. Katharine Hepburn “The Philadelphia Story” and Audrey Hepburn’s “My Fair Lady” and “Sabrina.” I love the classics. I’ll never forget renting “Sabrina” from the library and watching it with my kids. When Hepburn comes back all gorgeous from Europe, my five year old son said “YOWZA!” I laughed so hard. Another favorite is “Meet me in St. Louis” with Judy Garland.

    Liked by 4 people

    1. I’ve never seen Philadelphia Story, thank you so much for the recommendation! Especially since the classics are, well, classics for a reason! I’m sure (in the same way I was sure about watching Groundhog Day … 🙃) I’ve seen My Fair Lady, but not for a while.

      I love that your son had such a deep appreciation for regal beauty at such a young age: you must have imbued him with an understanding of what are the finer things in life! (And she was a brave humanitarian irl, too!)

      Thank you for the additional recommendations, much much appreciated!

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      1. Philadelphia Story was recommended to me around five years ago. I hadn’t seen it before. It was good! I have no idea where my son came up with that. It’s not something I say, or my husband — maybe Johnny Bravo — who he watched on Cartoon Network? Or it was gut instinct. 😅

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        1. Most excellent, thank you for the recommendation! I, too, have not seen it before.

          And if I were you, I’d take it as kudos to you on the splendid taste you were able to instill in your son even at such an early age! 🙂

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    1. Comedies in tv shows and movies are my favorites, too! When Seinfeld landed on Netflix we watched it again, and just recently finished (sadly) watching Ted Lasso. Have you tried that one out?

      And if you loved Seinfeld, there’s a Canadian show called Corner Gas that’s like Seinfeld but in a small town in Canada. A show about nothing, with lots of laughs, even the diner, similar-ish characters. A hidden gem! Someone told me there’s an animated version, we’ve only seen the human-actors one.


      1. I have not tried Ted Lasso but will search for it. I love Corner Gas (not the animated version) and don’t know why I didn’t mention it, especially since I am Canadian. I love that the characters are just ordinary people and the writing is excellent. I would have loved to be part of their writing team or any comedy writing team. It must be a lot of fun.
        Thanks for being part of my online community! ❤

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        1. Woohoo! Another Corner Gas lover! My husband and I don’t know many people who liked it, even amongst the people we recommended it to. We loved it and even watched the movie that came after the show and hoped for more (still do 🙂 ). Given the dynamics between them, I think you’re right, it would have been a blast to be part of their writing team. Have you seen a show called Episodes? It’s about a writing duo.

          And I’m delighted that we found each other and that I have you to enrich my online community ❤


    1. echo What About Bob – a favorite of mine, Bill Murray & Richard Dreyfuss are both excellent.
      This might not be everyone’s taste, but Life of Pi was so visually stunning, I saw it at the theater and then went back the very next day to take my daughter to see it with me. I definitely want to watch it again, but I might need a bigger TV to get the full impact, lol.

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      1. These are great distinctions you’re making, I love it! There are some movies that ARE visually stunning and are worth watching at a theater. But the last one that comes to mind is The Lord of the Rings from … many years ago?

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  3. I didn’t have any suggestions that came to top of mind when I started reading this one but I love everyone’s contributions here. And the Seinfeld snippet you have at the top, EW. How about When Harry Met Sally?

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    1. How could I forget that classic? I’m sure I’ve watched it more than once, and loved it more than once (though with my non-existent memory, I should probably put 3 caveats on this…). I wonder if it’s time to watch it again? Fantastic addition, love it!

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  4. I really re-watch shows but my husband often forgets he has seen something and is happy to watch it again.
    Some of the thriller Scandi series I have re- watched to see nuances in acting and character traits – things I missed the first time around.
    But when you do remember whodunnit- it takes away the suspense.

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    1. Did you mean “I rarely re-watch”?

      Scandi series? I tried to look it up and couldn’t find it, though I do enjoy a good thriller. Some of the top Detective shows I listed like Poirot or Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries have enough “flare”, that even when you remember (ok, I often forget, and fast, too…) whodunnit, it’s still re-watchable?

      Please share the Scandi show?


      1. The Scandi series are various Scandinavian shows I have watched, such as The Bridge, Borgen, The Killing, The Eagle, Occupied, The Stieg Larsson Dragon Tattoo Trilogy. Have you seen any of those?

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        1. We’ve just recently finished watching Borgen, great show! (Though I’m not sure it’d qualify as a whodunnit?) Are they other shows on your list just as good? If they are, my watchlist will be happy and full again. So thank you in advance!


    1. Colin Firth. Enough said 😁 I was just recently recommending that very Pride and Prejudice version (and the Kiera Knightly one, and Love, Actually) to a friend. How did I miss it? GREAT add!

      I love Ted Lasso … and am still hoping for a season 4, think there’s a chance?

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  5. Columbo is always worth re-watching in my opinion. I love Peter Falk. Which reminds me — The Princess Bride is one of my favorite movies. It’s got everything (drama, comedy, romance, murder) and some really great actors in it, including Peter Falk. 🙂 Mona

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    1. Peter Folk was (sadly, gone) a tremendous actor. I loved him as the grandfather in The Princess Bride (which is an hugely rewatchable movie, a spectacular drama, a fantastic comedy, a heartwarming romance, and a splendid thriller/murder, yes to all: I knew I had a kindred spirit in you, and thank you for reminding me of this movie, 3 shiny stars to you 🌟🌟🌟, and 3 demerits to me for not listing it 🙃 It is THAT worthy!), an unparalleled ad Columbo (just one more thing…).

      I’m so happy to hear from you, Mona, all I can do on your blog is “like.” I tried to post using Jetpack, WordPress, using 2 different browsers on 2 platforms… I can’t even send you a personal message 🥀 Help?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Endless, sorry you’re having difficulty with my blog. I haven’t a clue. I know I’m not able to even go on someone else’s blog past their first page. This blogger said that was the way it was unless I had an updated Jetpack. That sounds like more money to me. I’ll look into it, but I don’t have my old tech guy anymore and I have no idea where to find a new one. Ugh. I’m glad that you are still able to at least like me and read my posts! 🙂 Mona

        Liked by 1 person

        1. I can read your posts and even the comments that the lucky few are able to post. I can enter my email address on a browser to enter my comment, but it won’t let me post it. On the apps, I don’t even have a reply option. To your post or to any of the comments…

          I saw Jetpack as free?

          Are you hosted on WordPress? Do you have all your comment setting set on? Idk what else to suggest, and it saddens me tremendously!


          1. For what it’s worth, I’ve turned to Google and found a tech guy. Fingers crossed, but by the end of the week (I’m hoping), these issues should be cleared up because I miss you, EW, and I’m sure there are many others who are having the same issues you’re having on my site. The better news is that the new guy is going to keep my site maintained and do updates on a quarterly basis so I don’t have to deal with automatic updates, etc. Expect a new post about how this all plays out next week. Again, fingers crossed!

            Liked by 1 person

  6. I never pass up the opportunity to re-watch some old movies. The Strawberry Blonde is a fave as is Robin Hood with Errol Flynn and Olivia deHaviland and any movie with Laurel and Hardy, the Marx Bros and Abbott and Costello. On tv I always loved Criminal Minds and Seinfeld. But in my earlier years there was Maverick. I also liked Charlie’s Angels, but for different reasons (not really re-watchable though).

    Liked by 1 person

        1. I’ve not heard of either one, I’ll look them up! What shows are they most like? More like Monk? More like Poirot? Thank you for the recommendations! Happy to reciprocate if I know what kind of detective show you like!



    1. Whoa! Excellent series with so many quotable quotes (“Human nature. My weapon of choice.” 😁)! That’s a fantastic recommendation! I know I’ve seen them all, but I know I’ll enjoy a re-watch!

      Have you ever seen Knight and Day?


  7. And so my question to you is what movies or tv shows do you think are worthy of a re-watch? I used to often re-watch TV shows because they were on our cable [when we had it] and so I’ve seen The Big Bang Theory about a million times. However when it comes to re-watching TV shows on purpose, very few come to mind. I watched Schitt’s Creek twice, once by myself and once with my husband. And we’ve watched Murdoch Mysteries twice, Monk & Psych twice, but after that no shows come to mind. I almost never re-watch any movie.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. You ask fantastic, penetrating questions: thank you!

      We recently finished watching Ted Lasso, and I consider that to be a re-watchable show (though currently I’m still watching brand-new-to-me episodes of The Librarians. A magnificent recommendation, you may know the person who recommended that show to me :D). I do love detective shows, so I’m going to take your Murdoch Mysteries recommendation to watch (for the first time, you may not know, but your recommendations are now worth their weight in gold to me, given how much I liked your previous ones!).

      I know we’ve watched both Monk and Psych (they’re on my top 10 best detective shows list that I took great pains to collect 🙂 ), and given how much fun both shows were, I definitely consider them re-watchable. I’d put Poirot and Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries in the same bucket: would you?

      And, yes, we had cackles and laughs watching Schitt’s Creek, which is why we watched The Reluctant Traveler (with Eugene Levy in character!)!

      As for movies, I found that My Cousin Vinny is a great movie to watch whenever one needs a cheerful boost, and, I just found that Groundhog Day is a rewatchable movie, though, like I said, my horribad memory might make any good first-time good movie a rewatchable movie?

      Thank you for your 3-brownie point worthy recommendations. Please keep them coming. The Librarians and Murdoch Mysteries will only last me so long 😀

      Liked by 1 person

  8. EW,
    I know you’re super busy and all, but would you please do me a favor and see if you can go on my blog and post a comment on the latest. It’s the one about my site being down for repairs. If you can post there, I’m going to say we are up and running. If not, then I’ll let Richard, the tech guy know. Thanks, my friend! A simple, testing, testing, 1,2,3 would suffice or whatever you’d like to post. Thanks, bunches! Mona

    If I don’t see anything from you in a day or two, I’ll come back here and see if you’ve left a message for me.

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  9. Shows we’ve rewatched are The Office, Parks and Recreation, Psych, and Frasier. We’ve of course done Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, Indiana J, also the Back to the Futures. I also like old Jackie Chan movies. We just saw (again) Shanghai Noon and will probably rewatch Shanghai Knights.

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    1. What a great list of sitcoms (and detective show that’s funny!)! We re-watched Frasier, but not the other ones: thank you for the recommendation! Have you seen Indiana Jones 5? Would you recommend it?

      Jackie Chan is fantastic! Though we haven’t seen any of his movies in way too long. Is Shanghai noon your favorite Jackie Chan movie?

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      1. I haven’t seen the latest Indiana J but I heard people talking about it saying it was a fun movie. Lots of throwbacks to the earlier set, so I’d totally see it. I’m not sure if I have a favorite Jackie Chan movie, but I did enjoy Shanghai Noon. We’ll have to rewatch the sequel soon. They also star Owen Wilson, so you can’t really go wrong there. 🙂


  10. We watch Groundhog Day every year on February 2. It’s a holiday tradition. I also have watched Across the Universe several times. The music is so good. I have watched White Nights many times because the dancing of Baryshnikov and Gregory Hines is superb. As is the dancing in All That Jazz. I like the Buffy episodes, Once More With Feeling (more song and dance!) and Doppelganger because the Willow character plays two distinct roles. More on one actor playing multiple roles, you can’t get any better then Orphan Black. The lead plays a half dozen very unique characters. However, it gets pretty dark after the second season. Oh, and I’ve seen The Notebook many times because it’s so sweet. Thanks for the question, EW. That was fun to think about.

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    1. What a marvelous tradition!

      And thank you for the many recommendations, I’ve not watched any of them… except Orphan Black, and that got me thinking about shows where the same actor played multiple roles! What did you think about Tobias Menzies who played Claire’s husband on Outlander but also the evil Jack Randall?

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        1. One of our “things” to do while watching tv is to see who can remember where we’ve seen this or that actor before. So you can imagine we pounced on it. It gives the show a whole different meaning when you see the two characters, so different in personalities, actions, and professions, look identical. It certainly does something to the Claire character…


    1. My apologies for the belated response, I was on an unplanned “hiatus”, but was delighted to read your comment: somehow I believe we’ve missed this movie altogether, but after watching the trailer we’re definitely going to look it up and watch it. What an absolutely fantastic recommendation, thank you!

      BTW, we recently watched The Reluctant Traveler where Eugene Levy, as a (reluctant) traveler, documents his (reluctant 😀 ) travels to absolutely beautiful places around the globe with his usual sense of humor.


    1. What fantastic recommendations! Have you seen The Newsroom? By the same creator as The West Wing, it can be described the same way (they cover actual events that happened around the time it was filmed), and I’d love to hear what you think after watching the first few minutes of the first episode.

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      1. I have seen the Newsroom, and would definitely put it in the same category. Also, if your talking about the speech that Jeff Daniels gives at the conference, funny, I saw that recently on YouTube with the caption “the best 3 minutes of TV ever.” Actually, I’m glad you reminded me of this series. I may just have to rewatch it. 🙂 ~James

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          1. Designated Survivor is another intriguing one: we’ve even watched the last season on Netflix! I’m hoping for a recommendation of a show we haven’t seen yet since you’re landing on so many interesting ones 🙂 I’m also interested in your opinion about Boston Legal!


          2. We’re in Lund, Sweden now and before leaving the US, on your recommendation I downloaded a few episodes of Boston Legal. I’ve watched the first few episodes and so far I really like it. Almost all the characters are quirky and interesting, and even though it’s a few years old, it doesn’t seem dated. Thanks for the recommendation. ~ James

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          3. I’m delighted you liked it, and I’m honored you took the recommendation to heart! Now you have me wondering if the shows we talked about WOULD feel dated… I’m going to have to look up Boston Legal, West Wing, and the rest of the shows we mentioned again. I wonder if “holding up” vs feeling that the message is dated is a sign of a good show?

            And if you should recall any other shows you can recommend… Please don’t be shy.

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  11. I’ve watched groundhog day countless times. There’s a sweet irony about repeatedly watching a movie about a man repeating the same day over and over. Life imitates art. Goodfellas is a movie I revisit now and again. It is so freaking well crafted, it swallows you whole. I feel like I’ve taken a journey every time I watch it.

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    1. That’s delightful irony that I will relish next time I watch it: thank you so much for shining a light on that!

      And thank you for the Goodfellas recommendation! I’ve yet to see it, though I heard good things about it over the years, but never like what you said, I’m going to add it to my watchlist: thanks again!

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    1. My apologies for the delayed response. Your comment was held captive in my “pending” section which, to my shame, I haven’t checked in over a month. To help reduce the amount of spam in the world, I set the first comment from a new commentator to be approved, and after that, comments are pre-approved. This way the spammers never get a chance 🙂

      Please do share some more movies or TV shows that fall into the re-watch category! I’d love to get some new recommendations!

      Liked by 1 person

      1. No worries! It’s great that you have a system to combat spam. As for re-watchable movies and TV shows, classics like “The Shawshank Redemption” and “Friends” never fail. Additionally, consider “Parks and Recreation,” “The Office,” “The Matrix,” or “Inception” for a mix of humor and mind-bending plots.🤝

        Liked by 1 person

        1. Thank you for being so understanding and for the fantastic recommendations! It’s a mystery to me why The Shawshank Redemption did so very badly in the box office: why do you think?

          If you liked The Office, Parks and Rec, and Friends, Im curious: how did you feel about Veep, Better Off Ted, and Mythic Quest?


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