When You Need Cheering Up (Still)

Since I often misunderstand (and only some of the time it’s on purpose), and since the fantastic Suicide Squeeze is often misunderstood, I may have gotten this all wrong. But I think he has sent me on a quest to locate a bit of stamina and good cheer, and of course I’m taking this mission on without (much) delay. I could use a good boost of both!

It’s not my first time going on such quest. I’ve gone looking for When You Need Cheering Up: Top 5 Movies, I’ve embarked on a second quest resulting in When You Need Cheering Up II: Top 5 Halloween Themed Comedy tv shows. The fruit of my third mission was When You Need Cheering Up Part III: Top 5 Holiday Themed Movies.

So here comes number 4: Top 3 shows to cheer you up, with a philosophical twist.


Resident Alien is a different type of Sci-Fi show. Yes, an alien lands on earth and blends in … in his own very peculiar way, while making many philosophical observations and even more snarky remarks about humanity, often both at once. Instead of listing examples myself (just ask me, I’m bursting with them, watch the trailer, though then you won’t know why the leading cause of death, according to our Resident Alien, is almond milk and why whiskey helps you make the best decisions…).

Bundle the brilliant writing with a delightful set of characters, it’s a source of cheer and even introspection. Oh, and the wonderful Nathan Fillion of the Firefly and Castle fame has a role on the show, too! The trailer is to the right, though I almost included a compilation of the hilarious introduction scene, where in a cartoon format they show us how subtle differences can make all the difference!


The show has ended, but its wonder continues. It’s a show about an American football coach moving to Britain to coach a soccer team, which he knows … well, not much about. What he does know about is human nature. He is inspirational, even in his criticism: “You know how they say that ‘youth is wasted on the young’? Well, I say don’t let the wisdom of age be wasted on you.” And he has a spectacular assistant coach and a captivating set of characters, not only the soccer players, but the entire ecosystem, including the fans. Instead of the trailer, I included a compilation some kind soul put together of moments in Ted Lasso. I can’t see anyone regretting watching the show which is both funny and inspirational again and again and again (yes, some language may make it nsfw).

I’d like to include you in my quest. What do you think should be the third items on the list of funny tv shows with an inspirational twist? Please share!

53 thoughts on “When You Need Cheering Up (Still)

      1. It’s a delight, for sure, and you can have a “refresher” with the Monk movie they released in 2023 “Mr. Monk’s Last Case: A Monk Movie”!

        How about Resident Alien and Ted Lasso? Have you watched those?

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    1. What a fantastic insight! Yes! Resident Alien certainly has moments of growth… when, as you wonderfully put it, the time is right.

      Have you watched the pandemic-inspired Monk movie? In it, when Monk asks for a wipe, Lt. Disher and the Captain want one, too, and someone says that now everyone in Monk, and Monk is in despair for that horrible fate? 🤣

      If only I had never seen Monk and could enjoy it for the first time … Any other such fabulous shows that come to mind?


  1. Love this, EW! I’ve heard about “Resident Alien” but need to take a closer look now – for sure – with your recommendation. Do you remember “Northern Exposure”? We love it…it’s become a new throw-back option when we want to relax around here – reminds Paul and I both of how much we loved his family and their Alaskan adventures, once upon a time. Sweet, accepting. No artifice…but plenty goofy. xo! 🥰

    Liked by 2 people

    1. What an utterly terrific comparison! YES! It’s Northern Exposure set in Patience, Colorado instead of Cicely, Alaska, both remote places where everyone knows everyone. Instead of a city doctor, we have an alien on a mission. Both are great shows that help us laugh, and also look inside ourselves. Great comparison!

      And, yes, all 3 shows, including Ted Lasso, share the laughter (often literally as in lol!) and the introspection! It’s been years and years since we’ve watched Northern Exposure, thank you, again, for the great recommendation!

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      1. I agree about the how the season felt short. I’ve been trying to get everyone I know to watch it. lol

        The Mister and I have really enjoyed Evil, and we are anxiously awaiting season 4 of that.

        We’ve also watched all the Walking Dead spin-offs.

        And all the Traitors shows.

        We enjoyed Manhunt, too, but that was a mini-series.

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        1. Oh, for sure: the fate of season 4 is still not clear 🥀

          We watched Evil, too! What did you guys think of Fringe? Of Grimm?

          We watched the original Walking Dead, what are the spin-offs?

          There are a fe “traitors” shows out there, which one are you referring to?

          Manhunt I’ve never heard of, either! Yay! Is that the one that came out this year?

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          1. Evil: I found several parts frightening, and then laughing at the dark humor. lol

            The Walking Dead: I can’t remember their names but there is a Daryl spin-off and a Rick/Michonne spin-off. We are wait for season 2 on both of those. Carol is supposed to show up where Daryl is at some point.

            Traitors: We watched all versions of this show from the US, NZ, Australian, etc.

            Manhunt: Yes! It’s so good! It boasts a really good cast and centers on the 12 days that John Wilkes Booth was in hiding, and the manhunt for him. It was really good.

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          2. Yes, Traitors seems to be a combination of Survivor (except they live in luxury but there are lots of game challenges), The Mole, and Fear Factor. Sort of. lol

            Ooooh, I’d forgotten you asked that. I’ve never seen Fringe or Grimm. But I’m interested now. 😀

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          3. So let me ask you: are there any competition shows that you would like to, or even agree to go on?

            Given the (great) shows you mentioned, and your fantastic description of Evil (a new season is starting!!! Sadly, the last season…), I thought you might have liked either Fringe or Grimm. Both are investigative on nature (FBI one, detective in Portland for the other), both have a supernatural and slightly scary (but with minimal gore) slant, one more technologically based one more fairytale based. Would love to hear your thoughts and get recommendations!

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  2. In all honesty I rarely watch “cheer you up” sorts of shows. I really can’t even say why that is. Maybe I am simply mired in angst and sullen complacency verging on the pervasive reality that there is nothing good in life anymore… 🙂 Yes my dear EW, that last part is a joke but I really don’t know why I’m not drawn to those rather inane (IMHO) full force or even semi comedic shows. I don’t think that I ever have been so perhaps it’s all about being a rebel? Like I was never very into Seinfeld and I know that has an almost cult following, or Friends as another example. I also would not call those inspirational so…

    I did just finish and enjoy the first season of Palm Royale, more than I thought I would. Funny moments and memories yes- alongside some in your face stereotypical 1960’s lifestyles, class differences and struggles. Also the burgeoning awareness regarding identity, diversity, and feminism. The writers/producers manage to slip in social commentary in the right places. That is about as close as I can get you to funny/inspirational within my purview 🙂

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    1. I’ve never heard of that one, I’ll look it up. Have you seen Lessons In Chemistry (set in the 1950s, featuring a woman in a different (or is it?) kind of struggle — spectacular miniseries based on the boom) or Julia (about Julia Child, more on differences and struggles)?

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      1. I have and enjoyed it! Again another surprise because I knew it was adapted from a book and the book didn’t interest me enough to even attempt to read it 😉

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          1. Julia 1st season yes-mostly for the nostalgia because I watched the French Chef as a kid. 2nd season not so much and I didn’t finish it. Queens Gambit was okay. Not at all into the oldey-timey Miss Marple-ish/Agatha sorts of BBC and other mystery shows. Isn’t there one of those with a nun as the detective? One you’ve seen one… as the saying goes. I do however like shows set in the Victorian era London with strong female leads solving things that the male detectives struggle with. Miss Scarlet, Enola Holmes as examples.

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          2. I know nothing about that one but the trailer looks interesting and probably would be something I would watch


  3. Thanks for the shout out and pingback! My first recommendation would be Ted Lasso. I binge watched it earlier this year. Since you coupled it with Resident Alien, I now have a pleasant assignment because I have not yet watched it. Lasso sets a high standard. I will have to think about your question for awhile.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Of course on the shutout: you were my inspiration for the post, I was actually not sure how you’d take to that, I’m glad you did as it was intended!

      Now that I learned that Ted Lasso would have been your first recommendation, I’d really, Really, REALLY like to hear your second recommendation! (Please!)

      I think you may like Resident Alien, and, just like Ted Lasso, it has the bonus of being filled with quotable quotes, often from a childlike innocent point of view, that of the Resident Alien, struggling to comprehend humanity. Anything from “Whiskey, headache, nausea, severe dehydration. Alcohol must not affect humans the way it does us. If it did, they obviously would never drink it.” To “I’d grow a mustache as a disguise, but then I’d have to get a job as a firefighter or a pedophile.” 🤪 If you end up trying Resident Alien out, please share your thoughts!

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      1. ‘Be a Goldfish’ and ‘Believe’ were both excellent, though I think you really had to watch the show to understand what they really mean and how they could be imported into your own life!

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  4. I hear about Ted Lasso so often. I know I need to watch it. The problem is, I’m cheap and my library doesn’t have it. But it DOES have several other shows and a Detectorists movie waiting for me to pick up!

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    1. I hear you, there are a few fantastic shows on AppleTV, so we bit the bullet to watched them, but there are also some fantastic shows (and vastly under appreciated!) at the library (but I won’t list any more because you told me your list was overflowing 😁)

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    1. Thank you! I so appreciate recommendations of shows I haven’t even heard of before, we’ll absolutely check it out! We’ve recently seen a few fantastic Australian shows, so I’m excited. Again, thank you!

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        1. Here are 3 different kind of Australian shows:
          – Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries: one of my all time favorite detective shows!
          – Fisk: a funny sitcom
          – Farscape: a sci-fi show
          Anna Torv’s Fringe may not have been Australian, but she is 🙃

          Would love to get some more recommendations…


          1. I love Katie Flannagan’s Fisk. So ironic and excruciating at times to watch. I wasn’t sure that humour translated. If you like Fisk you might also like the Australian Utopia if you can find it – also written by the same team. I don’t know the others you mentioned apart from Miss Fisher – it is very popular! I can recommend many Scandi Nordic Noir shows, but they are subtitled!

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          2. I’ll start looking for it: I can’t find it streaming anywhere atm, but it looks great! We just finished watching a comedy (with good speckling of drama) from your neighbors across the Tasman Sea, soI’m hoping Utopia will pop up on one of the streaming services!

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    2. Just started to watch 800 Words: thank you so much for the recommendation, don’t know that I would have found it without the recommendation… ever, and it’s awesome so far. THANK YOU!!! 🙏


      1. Oh Yes, Borgen is fantastic – all seasons! So clever and entrancing. I also enjoyed Sissi – an Austrian drama about the Empress – in German (but subtitled). I find it hard to watch shows when they are dubbed in a different language!~

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  5. Borgen was different in the final session but I still enjoyed it immensely. Such skilled actors! Have you watched ‘The Bridge’ or any of the Swedish dramas? I have been watching End of Summer.

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    1. The actors, especially the main actress, are excellent, and the writing superb, no?

      I have Wallander on my list to watch, but after watching Broadchurch, I’m in need of more cheery gems, like McDonald & Dodds, where in the first episode DS Dodds solves a crime by going to the library!!! How much better/cheerier can crime solving get? 🙂

      I’ll add your recommendations to my list: thank you so much!


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