If You Had These, Life Would Be Easier (TV Edition)

Life is funny. Sometimes you’re floating on air, sometimes you’re up to your neck in the mud. And it’s during one of those prolonged times of twiddling in the mud that it occurred to me that there are elements that exist in tv shows that would make life easier to navigate if they only existed in real life. Puzzled? Let me explain by way of 3 examples:

  • If only we had THE MUSIC: you know how the music on tv shows lets you know what’s going to happen? As the innocent teenagers are headed into the basement of the abandoned house, the music will clue you in as to the chances of them running across danger. If only they could hear that music, they’d know when to tuck their tail between their legs and run in the opposite direction. Imagine if we could get those types of musical cues in every day life: are the next few moments going to be critical? Dangerous? Funny? A few notes and we know what to prepare for!
    Wouldn’t it make life easier to have background music that clues us in to what situation we’re in for?
  • If only we had THE WORDS: does it ever happen to you, that you’re left frustrated in an exchange, only to come up with the wittiest of comebacks … a day later? If it has never happened to you, I’ll share that it has happened to me. More than once. Ok, more than twice. I’ll confess, more than thrice… Which makes me appreciate the snappy ability displayed on so many tv shows (Need examples? Marvel at the first season of Mrs. Maisel for a barrage of those at every turn.)
    Wouldn’t it make life easier to have a team of talented writers that can provide on-time snappy retorts for any situation we’re in?
  • If only we had THE FORGETFULNESS: as someone with memory that ranges from bad to non-existent, you’d think I’d aim for the ability to remember. But think about all the shows that have their characters put each other through harrowing, and often unnecessary, trials and tribulations. And then, often, they completely forget about it to the point it doesn’t leave a droplet of ill will, of mistrust, of strain in the relationships. How often do you wish you could let a pain go? A scar fade into oblivion?
    Wouldn’t it make life easier to have a the ability to let go at will of some of the ill-will that unnecessarily weighs us down and mars an otherwise good day?

What do you think? Would you want any of these capabilities? Do you see other “elements” of tv shows that you’d like to have in real life?

74 thoughts on “If You Had These, Life Would Be Easier (TV Edition)

  1. The Wrap Up: wouldn’t it be amazing to know that you could spend 60 minutes- minus commercial (pee) breaks and have every single problem in your life be, solved-wrapped up-and tied with a neat and pretty bow…

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Do you ever even see a bathroom in passing in most shows? I’m thinking about your comment to LA…We saw the one room living/dining/kitchen combo and I think they showed the door to one bedroom near the fireplace. The rest didn’t even exist… that’s 10 seasons of never using a bathroom. Amazing!

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        1. Most excellent point: I don’t recall seeing a restroom in Central Perk, either, now that I think of it… Or any type of reasonable explanation on how they could afford such a roomy (in NYC terms for sure) place…

          I liked how The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel started, with her waking up an hour or so before her husband, to get herself looking beautiful so when HE woke up she’d look perfect. Of course, even when she woke up the first time she looked pretty perfect, too…

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          1. Why do I suspect that was a 50’s into 60’s thing IRL perhaps? It just seems like so many shows that depict that time period have the same feature of the perfectly coiffed wife, breakfast ready, coffee pot in hand as the bread-winner husband sits down for breakfast…I think those concepts may have been pretty accurate not necessarily a made-for-TV thing. It was never like that in my house but we know times, and societal expectations were different then so I’m pondering a greater level of truth with this one.

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          2. You know, this reminds me of Audrey Hepburn’s wise words (she was a wise lady) “Make-up can only make you look pretty on the outside but it doesn’t help if your ugly on the inside. Unless you eat the make-up.” 😁

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  2. I love the concept of background music and a writing team but, frankly, I feel like it would be sensory overload for me, so I would have to pass. In television shows, people seem nicer and friendlier than in reality, which is something I would sign up for in a heartbeat, though!

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    1. That is an interesting observation! Though when we first moved into our neighborhood, our across the street neighbors “adopted” us and would sometimes bring two dinner plates over, knock on the door and just leave them for us. I wonder if they were friendly or if we looked that lost and confused? 🤪


  3. The forgetfulness quality can come in handy. Like, if only people would forget about the loan I never paid back, or that insult I uttered, or the time I tripped them on a flight of stairs. If only they’d just let it go and have a nice day.

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    1. Lol, it’s funny, we’re rewatching old sitcoms, and from episode to episode a love interest gets completely forgotten, a failed investment never seems to haunt the careless investor, a bad career move that almost tanked a colleague’s career never haunts either one…

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  4. i’ve always been partial to the jetson’s food machine (foodarackacycle), and samantha’s ability to clean house with a twitch of her nose (bewitched). but music that alerts me to what’s coming next would be very helpful too!

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Oh!!! Those are GREAT ones! Like the replicator from Star Trek (I never understood why they felt like cooking when food was available just be asking for it), love it. I could have really used yesterday when it was getting late and the baking was running late…

      And the house cleaning. O M G! How did I miss that one???

      2 fantastic adds, feels like I need a list part 2!

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  5. So brilliantly you to find these great commonalties from tv for our lives. I love it!! I’d like the music although that might undermine my ability to wait for what comes next! You are going to have me thinking all week!

    BTW, I sent you an email a couple of weeks ago. Nothing urgent – just checking in. Did you get it?

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you, Wynne, I can’t tell you how much taller your brilliant compliment makes me feel! And I see what you’re saying, but anticipatory music can help heighten the sense of anticipation, not necessarily destroy it. And axe-murderer-alert music can save lives 🙃

      Now I’m thinking of more tv-borrowed capabilities… may need a part 2 to this post!

      And, no, I have not, and I was wondering if you missed mine, I’ll go double check, thanks for the heads up!


  6. I’d love to have a team of talented writers in my head for snappy comebacks and witty, charming dinner party conversation. What I would really love to have is the ability to rewind and playback conversations. When my husband and I disagree about something that happened, we often have completely different recollections. Since I know that I am always 100% correct ( 🙂 ), that would go a long way to proving my point.

    Liked by 2 people

    1. Can you imbue some of the skill of being 100% correct onto others, pretty-please-with-cherry-on-top? 🙃

      I vaguely remember an older Black Mirror episode where they had a capability to show replays of the past? Do you recall it?

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    1. Wouldn’t it be awesome to be able, at the drop of a hat, to launch into a 5 minute enthralling speech? I watch some of these shows and I can’t help but wonder what life would be like with that capability…

      And thank you! It’s not quite the same skill to find and chase rabbit holes as to have snappy comebacks, but I like it! 🤓

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  7. Those are all excellent! The G.B. Shaw and W. C. lines to each other are priceless! I might have to look up Mrs. Maisel. I loved Niles’ witty lines in Frasier. The music would be helpful. The forgetfulness of slights even more helpful. Great post, and so wonderful to have EWe back. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Oh, Frasier has sooooo many excellent comebacks, remember “don’t you dare call me irrational!!! You know that makes me crazy” 😀

      The first season of Mrs. Maisel was outstanding, I think you’d really like it! Any recommendations of something funny for me?

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      1. The library doesn’t have Mrs. Maisel, unfortunately, and I’m too cheap for streaming services. I’ll keep checking back.

        That Frasier line is excellent! I don’t specifically remember that one, but great one!

        Did you ever watch Community? Their annual paintball competition episodes are probably the best episodes of any show I’ve ever scene. (wink wink) The show Psych is also good quality stuff.

        If you’re ever in the mood for something a little more intellectual, Leverage ranks at the top of the list for me. Heists, cons, hacking, hitting. It has it all. 🙂


        1. ROFL@the fantastic pun! That was Niles fuming at some Frasierism 🙂

          We’ve watched Community and also the newer show that the Joel McHale (who was Jeff Winger on Community) is in, Animal Control.

          Seen AND liked Psych (and Monk, which for some reason popped into my mind as I typed Psych…) and for the rest of the day I’m going to have the “I know, you know, that I’m not telling the truth. I know, you know, they just don’t have any proof. Embrace the deception, learn how to bend… Your worst inhibitions tend to PSYCH you out at the end!” 😀

          Leverage was a FANTASTIC show (and I’ve seen it’s available at our library, too, might be time for a rewatch). I know a new remake of Leverage is out, but I think the original characters do it … best?

          MOAR please, you see to have impeccable taste!

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          1. Wow, EW, we are so sympatico! Yes, on Monk–produced by the same network, so that’s probably why your brain jumped to that. WELL DONE with the Psych theme song (now in my head), and the new Leverage isn’t as good. They only have Hardison in but rarely. He’s been replaced by a girl, and the main dude is no longer around. But you still get Sophie, Parker, and Elliot. Some episodes have been poorly written, acted, and dumb, but some have achieved the flavor of the original show. Oh, they added a new guy, and he’s actually pretty good and likable.

            I haven’t seen or heard of Animal Control. I guess I need to get on that! Gosh, what else? You like knowing how the mind works. How about Bull? I love psychology, so this show does a pretty decent job scratching that itch. You’re probably about to tell me you’ve already watched every season three times. 😛

            What about Brooklyn 99? Comedy and kind of smart at times, too.

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          2. Yes to Bull: I love those psychology-type shows, and I’m including Leverage (the old one, thanks for the warning about the new-and-not-improved-version) in the list! Have you seen an older show called Lie To Me?

            Yes to Brooklyn 99! Have you ever seen Scrubs?

            More, more, more, please, please, please? I love how we like the same stuffs!

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          3. Big Bang Theory… check! 🙃 Did you notice that all the main characters have 3 names (as in Sheldon Lee Cooper, Leonard Leakey Hofstadter, Howard Joel Wolowitz,
            Amy Farrah Fowler) except… PENNY 🤣

            How about Chuck?

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        1. I do, often, incorporate a video. You know, if a picture is worth a 1,000 words, how many would a moving picture be worth? 😁 So I wasn’t sure if one slipped me. I did use a video in my post on heart of the matter, though, or maybe with a them of tv shows one was expected? 🥰


  8. I’m with you on the music. I’m sure it would tell us when to listen to the psychic and when someone was joking. I am not a fan of the snappy comeback. First, of course I can’t think of anything to say in the moment but in general, I’m glad about that. I can spend much time stressing over something stupid I said meaning to be funny. I’d rather not, most of the time, be able to zing someone because I will regret it later. Last, I fear forgetting. I would, however, happily take the ability to let go of things and not obsess over stresses or worries I have no control over.

    Best thing I’ve seen on TV and I think we need? I believe it was on Voyager when the mother was ready to give birth and they beamed the baby out of her.

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    1. I think seeing how, on tv/in the movies, characters seem to come up with the ultimate comeback on the spot, or be able to launch into a speech on demand, has made us think that THAT’s the norm. When more often than not (for me, at least 🙂 ), the norm is closer to stick-foot-in-the-mouth-comment … Even Lincoln had to think of his Gettysburg Address. Yes, he had the genius to write it, but it wasn’t a spur of the moment thing, more of a train-ride thing. And thinking that the outcome of a team of writers is the norm certainly puts unrealistic expectations on the rest of us. Sort of like waking up with perfectly done makeup and hair… right 😀

      Ok, I CLEARLY have to rewatch Voyager! How did I miss that one?

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